Metal, Hardcore, Indie, Rock
Friday audience pictures from Knotfest Finland. Warm weather sweated festival audience at Turku.
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Photos by Sini Sulkakoski
A cold winter Wednesday was a hard night for a show, but there was nothing that could stop the hundreds of fans from attending the legendary Tavastia, to enjoy Marko Hietala‘s new show, this time promoting his brand new album Roses from the Deep, released just a week before. With a venue practically packed, a...
Feast your eyes on the blockbuster video for their star-studded new single and even those outside of the metal scene will know that Savage Lands are fierce defenders of our natural habitat. But this supergroup aren’t acting when it comes to preserving the world’s ecosystems.After witnessing how land developers are tearing down Costa Rica’s rain forest, Megadeth...
The new song “Paper Tiger” by melodic death metal veterans Arch Enemy was released online on February 6th. That song is the fourth to come out of the group’s “Blood Dynasty,” their twelfth studio album. For that record, Century Media has set a release date of March 28th. Having already announced the run with Fit...
Swedish longtime melodic death metal favorite Arch Enemy has released a new single “Paper Tiger”. The song is part of the band’s upcoming album “Blood Dynasty”, which will be released on March 28th. The band’s 12th album was produced and mixed by Jens Bogren (At the Gates, Amorphis, SepticFlesh). Dream Stealer Illuminate The Path March...
Chaoszine crew will be attending the world’s biggest heavy metal cruise 70 000 Tons of Metal this week and there will be bunch of interviews and a video recap coming from our trip from cold Helsinki to warm Miami. Before the cruise Chaoszine had a very special mission: to bring Nightwish drummer Kai Hahto’s signed...
Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has strongly criticized Elon Musk on Instagram Stories following Musk’s controversial gesture at a recent event. Blythe accompanied his post with Napalm Death‘s cover of Dead Kennedys‘ “Nazi Punks Fuck Off.” In his strongly-worded statement, Blythe wrote: “It’s taken me a couple of days to wrap my head around...
Kai Hahto – the virtuoso drummer and the man behind the drum kit of Nightwish and Wintersun brings his Alone concerts to Europe by playing 10 shows starting from the end of March from London and ending in April in Hamburg. True to the show’s name, Kaitsu and his drumming take center stage – solo....
At this year’s annual “Inkcarceration Music & Tattoo Festival,” the almost full program has finally been revealed. Falling In Reverse, Slipknot, and Five Finger Death Punch are the main acts for this year’s event, which is scheduled for July 18–20 at the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, OH. 5,99 €5,99 €5,99 €