Julia Suloinen

“People thought that in “No Borders” we wanted to say that Ukraine shouldn’t be a nation. I think it takes a lot of fantasy to make it a pro-war song” – Final interview with Russkaja


“I don`t listen to metal that much anymore, and my favorite metal bands – sorry for being brutally honest – are not as good as they used to be” – exclusive interview with Anton Kabanen from Beast in Black


“I don’t see ourselves making a reggie album, but I don’t wanna say never, ’cause you don’t wanna limit yourself” – interview with Pi Stoffers from Lord Of The Lost


Beast In Black started their European tour with sold-out shows in Spain: Check out our photos from Madrid and Barcelona gigs

Live photos

In Flames have found a perfect balance between the old-school and the modern in their new album “Foregone”


Beyond The Black state who they really are in their Self-Titled album “Beyond The Black”


“We are quite open-minded, to say the least”: Saku Solin from Turmion Kätilöt talks about new album “Omen X”, self-expression and horror movies


“We like songs like “The Bad Touch” to make a party in our own world” – Hauptmann from Feuerschwanz about the upcoming cover-album “Todsünden”


Feuerschwanz’s “Todsünden”: battle hymns and medieval headbanger parties


“We know who we are, and all of the stuff we are doing feels so right, and we have found ourselves” – interview with Jennifer Haben of Beyond The Black
