UMK drops One Morning Left from competition: Band is disbanding

Author Arto Mäenpää - 22.1.2025

Following our recent report about Finnish metalcore band One Morning Left being dropped from the UMK finals due to contract violations, the band has now released a further statement on social media announcing its dissolution. Band members Leevi, Juuso, Miska, and Dennis have decided to leave the group following serious allegations against lead singer Mika Lahti.

The official statement from the departing members was released on social media and you can read it here:

“It has come to our attention that serious anonymous allegations have been made on social media against a member of our band. According to these allegations, Mika Lahti allegedly exchanged messages with a possibly underage person on IRC-Galleria between 2007-2010 – either knowingly or unknowingly. These allegations have come as a complete surprise to the band members, UMK, Yle, and all entities and companies working with the band.

The allegations do not concern other current members of the band but are exclusively directed at Mika Lahti. The other members of the band – Leevi, Juuso, Miska, and Dennis – have immediately left the band and have expressed their deep shock regarding these allegations. The other band members and all collaborating partners completely dissociate themselves from these claims. The presented allegations do not in any way align with the values of the other band members or our collaboration partners.

In light of this information, One Morning Left will not continue in the New Music Competition (UMK) and withdraws effective immediately. Additionally, all band activities will cease, and the underlying One Morning Left corporation will be dissolved immediately.

Mika Lahti denies these allegations. He is also prepared to file a criminal complaint regarding these false claims.

We apologize to UMK, the other artists, Yle, the audience, band fans, and our collaboration partners. The other band members would never have joined the band had they known about any possible inappropriate behavior.

We request that neither the media nor the public contact the band members or collaboration partners regarding this matter. We also ask that the UMK working group be allowed to work in peace. We will not comment further on this matter.”