Thirteen minutes of unseen Led Zeppelin footage discovered after 45 years

Author Arto Mäenpää - 19.2.2025

Thirteen minutes of previously unseen Led Zeppelin live footage has emerged online. The film was captured at the 2000-capacity Falkoner Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, in July 1979, during the second of two warm-up shows before the band’s final UK performances at Knebworth the following month.

Led Zeppelin fan Lennart Ström shot the original 8mm film and revealed its existence last summer. Since then, US company Reel Revival Film has scanned Ström’s footage and The Pink Floyd Research Group has color-corrected it, before synchronizing it with the show’s audio recording.

We brought the Super 8 camera to test a new film that would work indoors,” Ström tells LedZepNews. “Getting the camera in wasn’t a problem, it was quite small and I think I had it in my trousers on my back. Filming wasn’t that common in those days. They were more concerned about audio equipment.

Ström kept the footage in a drawer for over 40 years. The material includes portions of songs such as “Song Remains The Same“, “Black Dog“, “Kashmir“, and “Stairway To Heaven“, as well as a clip of Jimmy Page’s guitar solo.