Testament’s Gene Hoglan: Dethklok are working on a new album and tour

Author Jad - 5.4.2022

Earlier this year, it was announced that drummer Gene Hoglan would be leaving Testament, thus ending a longtime career with the thrash titans. The announcement left many wondering what other obligations Gene had that would trump such a gig. And now, in a new interview, Gene reveals that he’s going to work with world-dominating cartoon melodeath legends Dethklok.

In a new interview with metal podcast Sobre La Dosis via Cameo, Gene was asked three questions:

Q: Of all of your musical projects, which are you most proud of? 

Gene’s answer: The birth of thrash metal, but all of them, really.

Q: Which bands do you consider responsible for you taking up the drums? 

Gene’s answer: KISS, Animal from ‘The Muppets’, many more.

Q: What are your next steps in music?

Gene answers that by saying he’s writing a new Dark Angel album and that he’s been doing a ton of ‘Twitch’ streaming. But then he says that Dethklok is on the horizon:

One of the larger projects that’s coming up really directly as well is Dethklok is working on a movie. So that’s gonna entail some definite intent from me. You know, I’m deeply involved in that, so we’re working on the next album, the soundtrack — well the movie doesn’t quite have a soundtrack to it — but we’re gonna have the movie, we’re gonna have the album for Dethklok, and I would imagine some touring as well.Gene Hoglan

To which we say, FUCK YES! Let’s be real, we’re stoked for the new Metalocalypse movie, but we’re especially stoked for a new Dethklok album and tour. So much of the show’s power has always been the band itself, and even though they’re all cartoons, most metalheads feel as though they’ve come to know the band on a personal level. Hopefully, 2022 is the year we get new Dethklok.

Check out the full interview below: