Photo credit: Pete Voutilainen

Reckless Love announce hiatus and part ways with drummer Hessu Maxx

Author Stefanie Nysand - 22.1.2024

After Reckless Love frontman Olli Herman was confirmed as the new frontman of the Finnish band Popeda on 1 January 2024, Reckless Love announced that they would share their “future plans within this month”. Now, the time has come:

“As many of you already know, Olli joined the legendary Finnish rock group called Popeda at the beginning of the year. This will take 100% of Olli’s concentration and efforts for the time being. Consequently, we are announcing a break from touring and recording until further notice. Our work will continue as soon as the time is right. […] We will come back. We always do. Our love for you will never die – because it’s Reckless Love.” – Reckless Love

It is indeed not the first time that Olli Herman has taken on the position of the frontman in another band while in Reckless Love: From 2007 to 2008, Olli Herman (a.k.a. H. Olliver Twisted) was the second frontman of the Swedish glam sleaze rockers Crashdïet.

Surprisingly, Reckless Love not only announce a hiatus in their statement, but also that they have parted ways with their drummer Hessu Maxx:

“We are also announcing that we have parted ways with our drummer Hessu Maxx. Our decision was mutual and formed over a long period of time. We want to emphasize the fact that this was not a rushed decision. There is no hard feelings or drama involved from either side, as we all feel this was a natural developement within the bands internal relations. We want to thank Hessu for his hard work for the band, all the fun we’ve had on the road and all the great things we have achieved together over the years. We wish Hessu all the best for his future endeavours.” – Reckless Love

Hessu Maxx comments on his exit as follows:

“I want to say THANK YOU to all the fans and followers that Reckless Love have. You are the reason we made it all! For me these past 15 years have been amazing! I have loved every second of it. You all made it possible for us. You all have a place in my heart forever. I tried to meet you all everytime when it was possible. All the countries and all the shows we’ve had the pleasure to offer you our best, are precious to me. I hope you all could enjoy this life as much as I have enjoeyd it in these past 15 years, even for a moment. Pepe Sedergren , Jalle Pääkkönen and Olli Herman Kosunen are my brothers always. I want to thank them for all this time we spent together making Reckless Love, a pretty good band, right? […] I love to make music, I love to play drums, That is my passion and I will never stop. New era, new things. Let’s all enjoy it! Ps. I could quote many of the songs we have but one of the best for this feeling is ‘Edge Of Our Dreams’ -Reckless Love. Listen to it and have a moment.” – Hessu Maxx

In Finland, Popeda are seen as the “Finnish Rolling Stones“, and their first show with Olli Herman as their new frontman on 30 March 2024 in the Finnish city of Tampere is already sold out. There are still tickets left for the additional show the following day. Furthermore, Popeda have been confirmed for the Turku and Tampere editions of the festival “Vauhti kiihtyy-festivaali” in summer 2024.