Photo Credit: Christian Schneider Photo

Reach: Record release show in Stockholm next Thursday

Author Stefanie Nysand - 21.3.2024

On Good Friday (29 March 2024), Reach‘s 3rd studio album “Prophecy” will be released via Icons Creating Evil Art. In honour of the occasion, the Swedish rock band, featuring Deathstars drummer Marcus Johansson alias Nitro, will play a record release show on Thursday (28 March 2024) at “Pub Anchor” in Sweden’s capital Stockholm:

“Finally it’s time for us to have a release party for our upcoming album ‘Prophecy’ which is gonna be released on the 29th of march. What fits better to have it in our second living room Pub Anchor. We’re gonna play a full Reach-set with songs from the new album and our earlier releases. This is the first time we play in Stockholm since 2020 so make sure you are there in time. We’re gonna sell merch and albums there. And we are going on stage at 21.00.” – Reach

“Pub Anchor” is located on Sveavägen 90 in the Vasastaden district of Stockholm. It is not known whether there is an entrance fee to attend the record release show.

If you missed Reach‘s latest single release, “Save The World“, you can check out its music video below. “Prophecy” can be pre-ordered here.