Photo Credit: Linda Florin

Liv Sin have started a GoFundMe campaign to make tour with Deathstars possible

Author Stefanie Nysand - 13.6.2023

Liv Sin, the band around Sister Sin frontwoman Liv Jagrell, have started a GoFundMe campaign in order to make their upcoming tour with Deathstars in autumn 2023 financially possible:

“[…] we started to raise some money for the Deathstars tour that we are gonna be a part of this fall. To be support act on such a long tour is very expensive and unfortunately we don’t have that money ourselves, due to covid and lack of shows afterwards. If you have anything to contribute, we would be ever so grateful and if not, it ok anyway, we hope to see you all on the tour.” – Liv Jagrell

The band adds that “the costs for touring these days are insane and as much as we’d like to make this without requesting for you guys to help, this is our situation at the moment.”

In a longer statement, the band goes into detail:

“As Almost all of you know by now… we have a tour this November with DEATHSTARS! For us in LiV SiN this is a massive chance, to meet and play for people all over Europe, and to finally meet fans that have never had the experience to see us play live yet. Since the end of the pandemic it has been an upward struggle trying to get the ball rolling again with shows and other events. We know that everyone working in the music industry has been affected by the pandemic, for us, who are a kind of ‘DIY band’ it has resulted in over 2 years without any concerts, which in turn has left us in deep water without any income or investment into our band business. Two years without income unfortunately means that taking out bank loans on the band etc. is not an option. This has led to one of our band members remortgaging their house to help bare some of the cost. We need to make sure that this money gets repaid as soon as possible as well as covering the other outlying fees for this tour. That is why we are now in the situation where we must appeal to you our fans and friends for financial aid to help us get back on our feet and make this tour possible! To give you all a clear understanding as to why we have to do this fundraiser and to be as transparent as possible follow link in bio to read about all specific costs! The tour is from Nov 2nd until Dec 16th, 2023.” – Liv Sin

Liv Sin‘s GoFundMe campaign can be found and supported here.