Mister Misery: Harley Vendetta on the mend, Alex Nine auctions off guitar

Author Stefanie Nysand - 2.8.2023

Some good news from the Mister Misery camp: After the horror metal quartet from Sweden’s capital Stockholm had to cancel their gig at Gravefest 2023 at short notice, due to “severe illness”, it was revealed that it is frontman Harley Vendetta who is struggling with health problems, even being hospitalised. In the meantime, the band has announced that Harley Vendetta is on the mend:

“We are hard at work on our new album and are regaining our strength for the coming year. Harley is feeling better by the day and it seems like future booked shows might take place after all.” – Mister Misery

The confirmation of another live show for next month underlines this statement:

“We’re coming for you ghosts! We are incredibly excited to let you know that Harley is recovering really fast and is getting better with each passing day! With these fantastic news and the approval of his doctors, we can now confirm that we’re coming to Brüggen, Germany this September to perform at Bongert Open Air! We are really eager to get up on stage again and we hope to see as many if you there as possible! 2nd of September, mark your calendars. Much love! /Harley, Alex, Rizzy & Alister” – Mister Misery

Furthermore, fans of Mister Misery now have the golden opportunity to buy a piece of the band’s history, as lead guitarist Alex Nine is auctioning off one of his guitars on the online auction website eBay:

“The scarlet vampire Schecter can now be yours! Played by our lead guitarist Alex Nine, this beast is not just a guitar, it’s a piece of Mister Misery history! This guitar has been on every tour we’ve done and has been in every single Mister Misery music video. It has also been used to record with on both our albums. If you want a guitar of vampiric elegance with a lot of history, this is your chance to place a bid today! This package includes: 1: Guitar (Schecter Hellraiser) 2: Signature guitar picks by Alex 3: Played guitar strings 4: Hand written letter and signature. […] Place your bid on the instrument on Ebay. […] The highest bidder will receive the guitar! Shipping world wide! We wish you luck, may the bidding begin. /Mister Misery” – Mister Misery

You can bid on the auction here. The auction ends on Sunday (6 August 2023).