Midgardsblot Festival 2024 — Days 3 and 4

Author Askar Ibragimov - 29.9.2024

Following our recent report on first two days of Midgardsblot 2024,here’s the second part.

Vulture Industries

Day three started from a band that not many know about, Vulture Industries. While I nearly missed the gig, these locals from Bergen appear to be wildly entertaining.

Folket Bortafor Nordavinden

Being a “house band” of Midgardsblot, Folket basically created short drumming sets in following days. These outdoor sets, on the open space of Valhalla (aka small stage and dining area) were not as atospheric as the entrancing gig on day two in the ornated Gildehallen, but they of course helped to keep the vibe going.

Ereb Altor

This is the first time when I see girls dancing like on a medieval market. Epic metal from the recordings became really powerful and crushing live.

Nytt Land

This band was one of the most awaited at the festival. Living in the small town of Kalachinsk (population 20000) in the Siberia region of Russia, it is fascinating how much the band achieves on the European music stage. The guys are signed with Napalm Records and actively tour Europe this Autumn. Their music is a mix of Nordic topics and shamanism native to Siberia. To be honest, audio recordings did not hook me up, but witnessing them live gives me proper chills. There is nothing much on the stage — a drummer who helps to articulate a shamanic drumbeat, Alexey behind his instruments and Tasha “Krauka” in a scary mask, who embodies the entire show.


Festival not only pays respects both to extreme metal and folk, but also definitely nods to the local Norwegian rock scene. Alternative rockers Seigmen formed in 1989 and had bunch of hiatuses (they made a promise not to continue if someone leaves the band), they have huge fanbase and have a legendary status in Norway. With 30 years of experience, their stage presence (set against semi-urban romanticised backdrop with their logo and some power lines) is impeccable.


Songleikr is an acoustic, “fireside” project by Maria Franz, Christopher Juul (both — Heilung) and Ingrid Falch. In a recent interview, Maria tells that she enjoys packing light for a concert of Songleikr, as opposed to a huge logistics that is at place in Heilung. The material they sing are traditional and self-composed songs, stemming from their earlier re-enactment days. Live lineup at Midgardsblot included another cool Heilung member, drummer Nicolas Schipper, and father of Christopher and a pagan priest, Harald Juul Kristensen.

Nytt Land Acoustic — Siberian Ritual

The next day, after their entrancing show, Nytt Land returned to a chamber ambience of ornated Gildehallen to present their “Siberian Rutial,” which was essentially a tale about a powerful shaman accompanied by some singing.

Lindy-Fay Hella & Dei Farne

Lindy-Fay Hella is a core member of Wardruna, but she also got her personal project which took the stage this day.



This is an interesting one. Tim Scott McConnell, aka Ledfoot, is an American singer-songwriter who lives in Norway since 1993. Earlier that day, having coffee in the town, I heard from barista that he’s really cool (and yes, in such a small place Midargdsblot is a huge event). While we can tell that Midgardsblot goes rather eclectic at times with their program, this “gothic blues” was received very well.


Back to neofolk and epic drones and vocals, Eldrim took the stage. Their music reminded me of historical movies or series — large and dramatic. No happy tunes, only the vibe of past centuries – as they call themselves, “Melancholic and dark music picturing life in the viking age”. Eldrim even stayed in a tent in the Viking village.


Naturally, Black metal veterans Emperor were a fitting close of the “heavy metal” program, delivering first two albums of the band.

Runahild and Astralseid

Runahild is a folktronica musician, and together with Astralseid they delivered a perfect send-off of the festival: dance tunes with folk vocals. A blood-red moon was overlooking the Valhalla area when they continued to play well after their designated time. People felt the exciting festival is coming to an end, and there was no rush to end the music.


Some festivals are full with very colorful visitors, and Midgardsblot is one of great examples. Some reenactors prefer to dress up according to Iron Age authenticity, some come as renaissance faire whimsical creatures or pain full-blown extreme facepaint made to the best German Dark Scene ability. Here goes.