Photo Credit: Steve Thorne, Getty Images

Gorgoroth guitarist Infernus hospitalized after being attacked in Norway

Author Hernan Osuna - 15.8.2023

Gorgoroth guitarist Infernus was attacked at some point somewhere in Bergen, Norway. Initially, in the released statement written by the musician, he wrote that he was attacked by “some fat little insignificant” after their show at Beyond The Gates, a festival scheduled from August 2-5 in Bergen. However, Infernus later clarified that it was not during the festival. It took place on another day.

You can read the full statement below:

a short clarification

dear all, i hope this finds you well. especially you who were in jaromer, czech republic, last weekend.

some recent circumstances made me want to give a short comment on the current situation.

shortly after our concert here in bergen, at the beyond the gates-festival, i was attacked by some fat little insignificant. i was badly injured and inhospitalized for a fairly complex operation.

my band, friends and crew went – in accordance with my will – to the brutal assault festival in jaromer friday 11th. in a splendid way: they delivered. i am very proud. love and respect!

as for the next weeks, focus will be upon recovery, rehabilitation and repercussions. some possibilities, including a mexican minitour in october, has been terminated.

the first live show from today will be with massive music at iduna, drachten, holland november 30 2023.
infernus, bergen august 12 2023

ps: no journalists will be granted an interview. without exception.