
Interview with Joel Ekelöf — “Memorial is a mirror of how we see the world right now”


“I’m always hunting new ideas and fresh stuff” – Interview with Christian Bystron from Megaherz


“It’s time to be proud of who you are” – Interview with Prika Amaral of Nervosa


“It took minimum five years to be 100% comfortable with the growling and being the front man” – Incantation’s John McEntee reveals his story as a metal vocalist 


“I have always tried to be very clear and articulate with my vocals” – I Am Morbid’s David Vincent reveals his story as a metal vocalist 


“As for black metal vocalists there is only one source of inspiration and that is Quorthon” – Emperor’s Ihsahn reveals his story as a metal vocalist


“I have two super skills: I can scream for hours and I am great at table tennis” – Scar Symmetry’s Roberth Karlsson reveals his story as a metal vocalist 


“Michael Schenker is without question one of the best guitarists on the planet” – interview with Robin McAuley


“I just do one shout before I go up on stage and then I know everything works” – Udo Dirkschneider reveals his story as a metal vocalist 


“I didn’t ever consider myself as a vocalist. I am still on a quest to achieve singing” – Gojira’s Joe Duplantier reveals his story as a metal vocalist 
