“All good things take time and there’s a proper time for everything” – interview with Bloody Falls

Author Benedetta Baldin - 7.9.2024

It’s always a pleasure to discover a band that has talent, passion and is completely genuine in what they do. That would be the description for Bloody Falls, a Finnish groove/melodic death metal who has just released a new album. What did we talk about? You can read it here!

Hello! How are you doing at the moment?

Stavros Mathios: Hello and thank you for this interview! We are doing fantastic! Our Spotify numbers are blowing up, we signed a deal with Death agency and we have gigs being booked for next year like crazy! So we are literally all super pumped and excited about the future! All those years of hard work are finally paying off! 

You have recently released your album “Amartia”. Are there any songs on the album that began with a thought and then changed drastically to the final result? 

Stavros Mathios: Definitely. “Man Undying” is a prime example. The song was literally a completely different song all the way until we started the pre-production and we almost even dropped it from the album, until I decided to do a full remake and that brought the spark it needed to be a special and unique track. Also “Sorrow Is My Name” didn’t have lyrics all the way until a couple of weeks before the final recordings started, so we really didn’t know if it’s gonna work or not. The riffs were fantastic and the song as a whole, but the vocals do all the difference in the world luckily Antero, Marko and I did a fantastic job with making the vocals amazingly groovy and moving fantastically on top of the song.

How have your fans welcomed “Amartia”? 

Stavros Mathios: They all loved the album! We have gotten so much positive feedback from all new and old fans of ours. Also, this album has brought us an entire new wave of fans that just keeps coming. So far the most commented and listened songs of the album by our fans are “I Met My Death“, ” Sorrow Is My Name” and “The Way Of Sin“. Oour fans have been constantly requesting us to make “Amartia” in vinyl cause they wanna buy it, which is something that we are planning to do since there’s so much demand. 

You’ve just performed for the first time at a festival in Portugal – can you share with us your impressions? Was it hard to adapt to an open air performance? 

Stavros Mathios: The big stage felt so much like home, like we always belonged on those size stages and crowds, there was literally no stress, nervousness or anxiety, we felt right at home. It was literally the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us as a band and individually. We were treated like royalty the entire time, being chauffeured everywhere we wanted whatever time we wanted, free food, paid hotel rooms, free instruments to perform with, free alcohol and the list goes on and on. And oh my the Portuguese people are amazing! Extremely friendly and really knowledgeable in the English language, we got to meet so many new people and discuss things before and after our show. The show itself was incredible, am never gonna forget that feeling I got when we were performing “I Met My Death” and I could hear hundreds of voices in unison shouting along the tempo, I was pretty sure all my body hair would fall off from the goosebumps I had! You can actually see our performance of “I Met My Death” on YouTube since I uploaded a video on our official Bloody Falls channel. We definitely belong on the bigger stages and there’s gonna be a lot more to come and that’s a promise, this is only the beginning. 

And speaking of live shows…. Do you have any “rituals” before going on stage?

Stavros Mathios: The one thing at least we always do before a show begins is place our fists all together in the center and say let’s give ’em hell! Also fun fact, for some odd reason I can’t stop yawning before a show cause am so relaxed, kind of the calm before the storm and the rest of the band members keep laughing about it, so it has become a sort of an involuntary ritual also I guess. 

What do you think the pandemic has taught you?

(Stavros) Patience for sure. Our “Burn The Witch” album was ready for release in the summer of 2020, but we waited an entire year before releasing a single song cause we knew the timing wasn’t the best cause of the pandemic. So yeah, we mastered patience and waiting for the right time to make a move, never rush things, all good things take time and there’s a proper time for everything. 

Who is the messiest person in Bloody Falls? 

Stavros Mathios: This question is a trap, hehe. Ok if I have to choose one person I’d have to go with Marko Mäkinen at our studio only. (Marko when you read this remember we love you, hehe) He has way too many music-related things and also he is building instruments as a hobby so he is literally ditching everything all over the studio and it can be chaotic. But on the other hand, he is one of the few people who spend time cleaning the studio, so he creates the chaos and then cleans it eventually, so no complaints.

What is your favourite breakfast? 

Stavros Mathios: I believe I speak on behalf of everyone in the band when I say toasted bread with butter, ham and cheese. Simple, easy to make and delicious. 

I wanted to play a little game with you, if that’s alright. Which songs by Bloody Falls would you…

let the aliens listen if they decide to visit our planet? 

Stavros Mathios: “I Met My Death” since that’s what’s literally gonna probably happen to humanity and “I Will Be Your End” since we will fight back.

– choose to play when you’re feeling nostalgic? 

Stavros Mathios: “Thanatos” and “Am Dying“.

– use to hype you up for a workout session? 

Stavros Mathios: “Sorrow Is My Name” and “I Will Be Your End“.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview! Is there anything else you’d like to add to our readers?

Stavros Mathios: Thank you Chaoszine for the great interview, it was fun! Thank you to everyone who listens and supports Bloody Falls! We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for every single one of you! We promise that we’ll keep making amazing music and we will be touring the world sooner or later! Keep those horns up and keep head banging to our music! Hopefully, we’ll see and meet you all up close on a tour!