Photo credit: Christina Melnyk

Chaoszine in Poland: watch a video report from this years Mystic Festival

Author Atte Itkonen - 22.6.2024

The 25th Mystic Festival was held in Gdansk, Poland from June 5th to 8th, 2024. The festival took place in a shipyard near the center of Gdansk. The headliners of the event were Bring Me the Horizon, Machine Head, and Megadeth. The lineup also included Bruce Dickinson, Kreator, Satyricon and Kerry King to name a few. The festival attracted around 30,000 visitors on the main days.

In addition to listening to music, festival-goers could visit a barbershop, get a new piercing, and try out the latest ESP guitars at their stand. Numerous food stalls ensured that there was something tasty for every festival attendee. The event also featured two larger “Chillout Zones,” where visitors could rest in hammocks after a day of rocking out.

Chaoszine filmed a video report from the festival, which you can watch below.