The resonance of metal amazes the audience in Milan – photo gallery of The Voice Of Rock

Author Benedetta Baldin - 25.2.2024

The Legend Club in Milan played host to an unforgettable night of sonic brilliance, headlined by the incomparable Giacomo Voli with his project The Voice of Rock. The stage was set for an electrifying experience, where raw energy met melodic mastery, accompanied by the opening acts Eternal Silence and M.E.T. Modern Electric Trio. The venue transformed into a haven for rock enthusiasts, offering an eclectic blend of musical symphonic prowess that would resonate through the night. Let’s recap Friday night with these photo galleries! A big thank you to Saverio of Cerberus Booking for his professionalism in hosting us!

Eternal Silence

Photos: Silvio Colombo.

M.E.T. Modern Electric Trio

Photos: Silvio Colombo.

The Voice Of Rock

Photos: Silvio Colombo.