Split Iris release the video of new single “Guilt”

Author Benedetta Baldin - 28.6.2024

Finnish progressive metalcore band Split Iris release today the new album “Bloodred Dusk” and a music video for the track, “Guilt“. 

Our new single, ‘Guilt,’ is a point in the story arc where everything goes to ruin in a glimpse of an eye. The arrangement, the riffs and the overall energy reflect the songs’ themes of chaotic randomness that occur as the reality around us collapses. We feel we’ve really captured this chaotic feeling of falling apart in the essence of the song, which keeps you on your toes as the song advances in its erratic, but comprehensible patterns. We also feel that we’ve achieved a completely new level of progressiveness in our music with this song broadening the Split Iris sound, for which we’re extremely proud of. We went all in with the production of this music video in regards to creativity, as we approached it from a completely new angle. We feel we achieved a visual experience which reflects the track’s message and vibe perfectly.