So good that the speakers collapsed: High On Fire at Rebellion Rock Bar, Manchester, UK

Author Sabrina Ramdoyal - 17.8.2024

Witnessing the feral power of High On Fire was a sonic experience that left their sold-out Rebellion Bar spectators exhilarated. The synergy powered by the Californian trio was undeniable with each member seamlessly weaved pure intensity. Amidst the ferocious onslaught of riffs, an unexpected twist unfolded – Jeff Matz’s bass amp went silent mid-song! Then, Mike Pike’s microphone also failed, leaving the crew scrambling in a frantic attempt to rectify the situation! The response from the band was not only of a light-hearted occasion. While chaos allowed to flow on stage, Jeff stood back bemused as Pike and Coady Willis launched into an impromptu jam session, showing that the unexpected technical difficulties only served the band to adapt and thrive even in the face of adversity. Through the evening, it was a performance that reminded Manchester that High On Fire was a force of improvisation and the unbridled passion that lies at the heart of true musical expression.