Photo Credit: Stefanie Nysand

Sabaton Open Air festival takes an indefinite hiatus

Author Stefanie Nysand - 24.9.2022

It is not that long ago that Chaoszine visited the Sabaton Open Air festival in Sweden for you (Our big live report about it can be found here and here). Despite the 2022 edition of Sabaton Open Air being the “biggest and best to date”, Sabaton have now announced that their own festival in their hometown Falun will take an indefinite hiatus:

“Metal family, we have an important announcement to make about Sabaton Open Air. It has almost been one and a half decades since SOA began, and we have had so many fantastic editions of it since then, but we have decided it is time for the festival to take a hiatus. We can confidently state that the 2022 edition was our biggest and best to date, so we understand why you may think this decision is a little out of the blue. Multiple factors have contributed to our choice to not go ahead with a 2023 edition of the festival, but we are looking forward to seeing it shine again in the future.”– Sabaton

The full statement can be found on Sabaton‘s website.

The band remains vague about the exact reasons for the hiatus, but concludes their statement with the following words:

“Stay tuned. This isn’t the last of Sabaton Open Air!”– Sabaton