No Scotland, no party: Machine Head at SWG3, Glasgow, Scotland

Author Sabrina Ramdoyal - 27.6.2024

Taking advantage of their recent festival as the foundation for an memorable evening, US elite metal thrashers Machine Head delivered an exhilarating performance that left Glasgow in awe. The troupe not only exceeded expectations by infusing extra bangers from their usual festival setlist, but by debuting ‘Take My Scars,’ which was a move that elevated the show to a whole new level. The set list revealed the band’s musical prowess from start to finish. Bodies thrashed, pits exploded, voices ruptured and the entire venue shuddered with the collective energy of the sold-out crowd. “NO SCOTLAND, NO PARTY” was a chant that only added to the camaraderie and excitement of the night. Machine Head’s joy was deep in gratitude as their craft shined through every note and was a testament to their enduring talent and commitment to delivering top-tier shows that left fans craving for more.