Mykola Sostin (Amorth) of Nokturnal Mortum and Drudkh has passed away

Author Benedetta Baldin - 4.11.2024

With a post on his former band’s social media, we learn that the talented artist Микола Состін (Mykola Sostin) also known as Amorth has passed away in combat, serving his country Ukraine in the Russian war of aggression against it. He played in Nokrturnal Mortum, Drudkh, Soom, Underdark and Nocturnal Amentia. Donations to help the family can be done via the link placed in the post and below.

Amorth, the musician from the ranks of Kharkiv metal scene, has met his immortality in battle in the war for survival of Ukraine. Eternal memory, eternal glory.

Turn on Drudkh’s Autumn Aurora or any other record with his participation today to remember his talent

Допомога родині (help for the family):

We wish to send our deepest sympathies to his family, his friends and all his band members for this tragic loss.