“It was a great experience to see the audience react to your music without understanding the lyrics” – interview with Megaherz

Author Benedetta Baldin - 11.9.2024

Lots of bands played at the Summer Breeze Open Air festival this year, but one in particular has caught our attention. We are talking about Megaherz, a German sensation and historical band that has shared with us their plans for the future, their favourite places to perform and some stories about their latest album.

Good afternoon. How are you doing? 

Wenz Weninger: Fine, thank you.

Alexander Wohnhaas: We’re absolutely fine. 

Awesome. As a band, you have an amazing career, but some people don’t know about Megaherz. So how would you describe the band to someone who has never heard of you?

Alexander Wohnhaas: Well, that’s a difficult question, because we don’t want to make a comparison to other bands.

Wenz Weninger: Neue Deutsche Härte. It’s the main genre. There are many bands.

Alexander Wohnhaas: If we want to compare it to the beginning of the band, there was the idea to make a mixture between Clawfinger and Kraftwerk, and other bands like this. 

Wenz Weninger: But with German lyrics. 

Alexander Wohnhaas: I think that’s the spirit of the band since the beginning. We make German lyrics with metal industrial music, and well, it’s a long time that we are here. Over 30 years, and in this time, there were some changes in the band and some musical adaptions. Well, I would say it’s hard metal, hard rock with technical sounds with a very deep German voice. So make your own conclusion. It was really interesting because we had a great European tour last year. And we played in a lot of countries we’ve never been before. In England, in France, in Spain, and anywhere else. Now, our lyrics are in German. Nobody understands the lyrics of our songs. But it was a great energy. And that’s the main reason. When you come to our music and see the expression of the people we are receiving. It’s a mixture of our mask, our energy on the stage, and then this special sound of the band. It was a great experience to see the audience react to your music without understanding the lyrics, and the lyrics are a main part of our songs. This was really awesome. 

You’ve played just now in Summer Breeze. You have some other shows planned for this year and 2025. I hope you’re getting some rest as well, hopefully.

Wenz Weninger: We’re playing in October and next year. We’re playing in October at the Monster Festival and next year we play on the Rhine River on the cruise. 

Alexander Wohnhaas: We have some new stuff coming up. We have some new songs we want to write and a new tour will come up. But not planned right now. 

Wenz Weninger: Big tour last year, yeah. It was all over. 

Alexander Wohnhaas: 22 shows in 25 days, I know exactly. 

Wenz Weninger: All over Europe. Next year we start recording a new album. No special tour planned. 

In Teufels Namen” is about one year old. Is there any story about this album that you haven’t had the chance to share? 

Alexander Wohnhaas: The story I always tell about about one song, one special song on the album. It’s called “Alles Arschlöcher”. It’s the first video we put out of the album. This is a song very special because we’re living in a tough time where society got divided and a lot of people are arguing about stupid stuff. The first part of the song was a discussion with a good friend of mine. We are very political. We are arguing a lot about a lot of stuff. And it gets loud in the restaurant where we sit. People were looking at us. “What’s going on? Weird people, come on.” And the last words of this discussion were, were some words of my friend. And he said a perfect Bavarian dialect, I can’t give it to you because I’m not Bavarian. Okay. But he said to me. “Where I come from. everybody says all assholes”. This was the end of the discussion. No argument anymore. So I thought, I have to make a song of it.

Do you prefer to perform in open air like Summer Breeze or in closed venues?

Alexander Wohnhaas: Well, it’s a question I often hear. I can’t answer that in a proper way because both sorts of concerts are special and unique. I love festivals because they are open air. I love to be outside with tons of people with pleasure and party. At festivals you meet a lot of colleagues, it is always family and it’s always meeting musicians. At a concert, it’s more intimate. It’s more close because the people are coming for your music, especially for you. So it’s a little bit more emotional. Because they know your songs, they know your lyrics, and they’re coming for them. And so it’s more emotional and more personal. But a festival is more party, more enjoyment and pleasure. So it’s both, really. 

Wenz Weninger: Agreed. 

I wanted to play a little game. I’m with you if that’s all right. This game is “Would you rather?” So would you rather only listen to your favourite song forever or never hear it again?

Alexander Wohnhaas: I don’t want to hear one song from my life. I want to hear new stuff.

Wenz Weninger: That’s true, after a while it’s boring. 

Would you rather be able to play all the instruments or sing any style of music?

Alexander Wohnhaas: I’m singing. I don’t play. I will sing. 

Wenz Weninger: I like to play one instrument perfectly rather than 10 imperfectly.

Alexander Wohnhaas: You can play guitar better than me. I know, it’s not difficult, but it’s a fact.

Would you prefer to listen to music through headphones or everywhere in the background, wherever you go? 

Wenz Weninger: I prefer headphones. The sound is better. 

Alexander Wohnhaas: Well, I think now we’re used to the headphones and the MP3. But I remember the good old times when I was young. It’s a long time ago. I had a big stereo player with big boxes and I was annoying my neighbors with all the loud music. And I wanna go back to that. 

Would you prefer to do no more music videos or no more live shows?

Alexander Wohnhaas: That’s a hard question. 

Wenz Weninger: No more music videos. 

Alexander Wohnhaas: I can’t choose. No, I wanna do music videos and live shows. Normally I would prefer live shows. I enjoy playing on music videos. Because it’s a special way to express your music and express your style. That’s really cool. I love it and I love very creative music videos.

Thank you guys for taking the time to do this interview. Is there anything else that you want to add to the readers? 

Alexander Wohnhaas: Well, I want to say listen to our music, come to our shows, wherever we are.