Hardcore Superstar part ways with drummer Magnus “Adde” Andreasson

Author Stefanie Nysand - 7.2.2024

The Swedish street metallers Hardcore Superstar recently announced three tours for Sweden, Europe and the UK and that they have “a big year ahead of us”. Many fans also assumed that the long-awaited return of drummer Magnus “Adde” Andreasson, who had been taking a break as a drummer from Hardcore Superstar‘s live shows for some time, would soon be announced. Instead, a statement has now been released, announcing their separate ways:

“We are sorry to announce that Adde has made the decision to leave Hardcore Superstar to purse other challenges. Our full statement is below but rest assured this is not the end, we’re working hard on new music and can’t wait to see you all at the upcoming shows. Martin, Jocke & Vic” – Hardcore Superstar

Magnus “Adde” Andreasson comments on his exit as follows:

“To everyone, My main focus for the last 25 years has been to write songs, rehearse, record, tour like a maniac and push the band I’m in forward. This is a goal we all shared and I’m proud of everything we’ve achieved. It’s been an unbelievable journey with a lot of ups and very few downs. Every dream I’ve had as a musician has been fulfilled. One of many things I’m proud of is that we never did it for fame or money, staying true to ourselves and writing our type of songs was always our main priority. I remember that our old record company told us to write songs more in the style of The Hives… Big Mistake! While I love that band, you simply do not tell us something like that. It’s almost a guarantee that we will do the opposite! As a result, our manager went shopping for a new record deal but without any luck, instead everyone asked him if we were for real??? Eventually our long-time manager Magnus Lundbäck founded his own label and we released our ‘Black album’ there. I’m also proud of how we used to push and torture ourselves just to become a good live act. We used to play the whole set as a warmup in the dressing room before our show and we continued to do so for many years. That’s how determined we were and I think that we ended up being a solid live act because of that ‘Eye of the Tiger’ mentality. However, I’ve now taken the hard decision to step out of my comfort zone and leave the band because I need to challenge myself again. It’s both scary and exciting to break away from that safe place I’ve had for so long. I will always support the guys and I love them like brothers. They are really good people. I still love to write songs, practice and study music and I love to wake up, grab a cup of coffee and go out to my studio and create something from scratch. It’s in my DNA and I will continue to do so. I’m up for anything. Just be a drummer in band maybe??? Love you all, but first and foremost Jocke, Martin, Vic and Thomas.” – Magnus “Adde” Andreasson

Hardcore Superstar announced in January 2023 that “unfortunately Adde won’t be out touring with us for a little while”, calling LOK drummer Johan Reivén “the natural choice to step in until Adde returns”.