Ghost’s Tobias Forge reveals which song he would choose to play to a first-time listener of his band

Author Jad - 4.3.2022

The music of theatrically-inclined Swedish metal band Ghost hasn’t been everyone’s cup of tea. Going by the diversity in opinions being expressed regarding the advance singles from their upcoming album “Impera“, that distinction isn’t likely to change anytime soon.

However should you be interested, Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge has one song which he would recommend to potential neophytes to his band’s growing legion of fans: 2015’s “Cirice“. Speaking to Revolver for their ‘Point Of Entry’ series, Forge explained his choice:- ADVERTISEMENT –

I think ‘Cirice‘ is a good track for that because it sums up a lot of the concepts of the band lyrically and musically. There’s a big handful of metal in there, but also AOR and melody. There’s a sort of androgynous element that I like to try to harness into our songs, and I think ‘Cirice‘ has that ambiguity — it’s meant to sound dangerous. It’s meant to sound double in nature and kind of deceiving. But you can also listen to it as a complete comfort track.

At the end of the day, that is what we do — we’re trying to comfort people. We want people to understand that there is hope. Nothing lasts forever — not even bad things. Everything is fluid. I think “Cirice” captures a lot of that.Tobias Forge

Ghost‘s fifth studio album “Impera” is on course for a release date next Friday, March 11th.