Controversy erupts over alleged similarities in Obscura’s new release

Author Benedetta Baldin - 12.1.2025

The current single from German band Obscura, “Evenfall,” has generated some controversy. Alex Weber, bassist and vocalist for Exist, and Max Phelps, guitarist and vocalist, have insisted that the song has been “stolen.” Weber, who had multiple stints with the band in recent years, is credited with stealing the ideas from Obscura creator Steffen Kummerer, according to two social media posts from the two aforementioned individuals. Weber used social media to criticize Kummerer for the purported theft after “Evenfall” debuted on January 8th earlier this week. He shared a statement and a video comparison below. According to Weber, he pitched the concepts to Obscura for possible inclusion on the band’s next album “A Sonication,” but after leaving the group, he was told his proposed contributions would not be used. As of the time of publication, neither Kummerer nor Obscura seem to have officially addressed the accusations.