Blues revival: Oli Brown & The Dead Collective take Nottingham by storm

Author Benedetta Baldin - 23.4.2024

Nottingham’s vibrant music scene pulsated with energy as Oli Brown & The Dead Collective took the stage, unleashing a sonic tsunami that left the audience spellbound. The convergence of blues, rock, and soul at this concert ignited a fervor among music enthusiasts gathered at The Bodega. With electrifying performances and soul-stirring melodies, Oli Brown & The Dead Collective left an indelible mark on Nottingham, cementing their status as trailblazers in the contemporary music landscape. A huge thank you to Andrew Ellis for capturing the show and Valeria of Duff Press for hosting us!

Zac and the New Men

Photos: Andrew Ellis.

Oli Brown & The Dead Collective

Photos: Andrew Ellis.