A street musician’s drum kit was stolen – Metallica arrived to help a musician in need

Author Samuel Järvinen - 21.1.2022

Los Angeles street musician Sheriff Drumman is known to locals for playing his drum kit in the back of his truck for people to enjoy.

But Drumman was shocked when thieves stole both his truck and his drum kit along with it. The car was later recovered, but unfortunately the drum kit had gone on its way.

The drum set was special because Drumman had built it himself to fit his truck.

However, word of the theft reached the ears of Metallica, who decided to help the drummer by donating a new drum set.

“We’re honored to be able to help out a fellow artist. Keep the music going, Sheriff Drumman!”, the band comments on social media.

You can watch Drumman’s interview about the event on NBC Los Angeles.