Wage War & Nothing More finish tour in Indianapolis – 17.5.2024

Author Ashlyn Siples - 20.5.2024

17th of May marked the closing night of Wage War & Nothing More’s North American tour. The tour came to a close in the Egyptian Room at the historical Old National Centre in Indianapolis, Indiana – and the venue was packed full of fans who were eagerly awaiting to see them.

The night started off strong with Sleep Theory, a rock band proudly boasting from Memphis, Tennessee. They came on strong, with a large group of fans already in the crowd to cheer them on. If you weren’t already a fan before their set, their amazing vocals surely left you a fan by the end of it.

Veil of Maya was next in line for the night, nearly instantly riling up the crowd. Crowd surfers began to flood the room, much to the excitement of the band. It would be hard to tell whether the energy on stage or the energy from the fans was stronger – especially as vocalist Lukas Magyar pitted both sides of the crowd against each other to see who could shout loudest.

If there was an award being handed out for the most crowd – and photographer – interaction for the night, it would be handed off to Nothing More. The band’s stage setup was nothing short of theatrical, with flashing lights & voice modulators for the vocals. Guitarist Mark Vollelunga came down to the barricade during the latter half of “Don’t Stop,” singing along right with the fans. To end off their set, the whole band – save for drummer Ben Anderson – came back to barricade again to be with the fans, along with a makeshift drum set up for vocalist Johnny Hawkins to play along on.

Nothing More made sure to thank everyone in the crowd for their energy, especially since they had to come on late due to some major technical crashes right before they were set to perform. Hawkins also shouted out the members of the crew, as well as a local radio station here in Indianapolis that had continued to promote their music as new songs were recently released off their upcoming album CARNAL. Wage War was also in the list of ‘thank yous’, for taking the band along on tour and they promoted their upcoming new album STIGMA as well.

Wage War took the stage that night at 21:40, after a 30-minute break that helped to grow the crowd’s anticipation. Smoke filled the stage as they arrived, and more smoke was blown out of cannons in the front soon after, giving their performance a hazy look. The haze paired well with the strobe lighting on stage, making the air an array of colors rather than just harshly cast onto the band as they performed.

The band had the crowd on their feet, and some of them above others’ heads, throughout the set. They played some newer songs, including “Magnetic” which was just recently released, as well as throwing us all the way back to 2015 with “The River.” As the night came to a close, there was never a slow moment during the set, even during the songs the band requested to have the crowd ‘just sing’ along with. 

Setlist (Wage War):

  1. Stitch
  2. Low
  3. Gravity
  4. High Horse
  5. Godspeed
  6. Magnetic
  7. Prison
  8. Teeth
  9. The River
  10. Alive
  11. True Colors
  12. Death Roll
  13. NAIL5
  14. Circle the Drain
  15. Manic