When folk metal meets symphonic it’s certainly a majestic union – review of Ensiferum’s upcoming album “Winter Storm”

Author Benedetta Baldin - 20.9.2024

Boy, do I like folk metal. This year we have been particularly blessed with folk metal records, with Korpiklaani returning with “Rankarumpu” and the other half of my heart, Ensiferum. They are coming back to the scene after 2020’s “Thalassic”, so let’s dive in a little deeper and see what these amazingly talented artists have prepared for us.

My first impression is that they have implemented the symphonic elements so much more in “Winter Storm”, and if you see me complaining about this then the world is probably ending. The orchestral sounds give their music an even more grandiose atmosphere; not that they needed it, but it is appreciated. Notably, the arrangments are well-researched, refined and perfectly planned. They come at the exact moment without obscuring the rest of the band.

The first glimpse of majestic songwriting and composition it’s in the beginning suite and already-released video “Long Cold Winter of Sorrow and Strife“, which contains their house signature style with clean and growl vocals alternating. Trust me when I say that this track is just the beginning of pure Ensiferum goodness for the rest of the album. You’ll find yourself singing along to “Fatherland“, “Victorious” and the closing suite “From Order to Chaos” – when it comes to personal preference, I have a hard time deciding which suite I like more this time. This is what happens when the band knows what it’s doing!

Then, just out of nowhere you hear a mesmerizing female voice and you think that you have mistakenly put on the shuffle. No, it’s just Madeleine Liljestam of Eleine, singing as a guest on “Scars in My Heart“, giving beauty and grace to an already eminent album. The production, mixing and mastering are wonderfully done, and this enhances the listening experience to new levels. It can seem “a little thing” to many, but if the music is good and it’s well produced, it’s even better.

I won’t consider “Winter Storm” as the magnum opus for Ensiferum, but it’s certainly a more than solid release. The group has maintained some aspects that clearly work and has implemented some new ones too, which we have to applaud. It’s not a coincidence that this group has such a huge following worldwide, because they always deliver high-quality products, and this is also the case. So don’t miss “Winter Storm” if you like folk metal!


  1. Aurora
  2. Winter Storm Vigilantes
  3. Long Cold Winter of Sorrow and Strife
  4. Fatherland
  5. Scars in My Heart
  6. Resistentia
  7. The Howl
  8. From Order to Chaos
  9. Leniret Coram Tempestate
  10. Victorious