Conan O’Brien, a television host, comedian, and writer, recently fronted the Austrian metal band Cringe Blizzard. Aside from some great musical bookings during his previous late-night talk show stint, O’Brien isn’t exactly known for his dives into metal. However, during this year, he was introduced to the metalcore genre. O’Brien was also acquainted with his new musical collaborators in Cringe Blizzard and their type of’slush metal’. Conan O’Brien‘s ‘Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend’ podcast featured Katherina, the band’s vocalist, in September. During that episode, O’Brien recommended that she teach him how to sing heavy vocals so he might become “a guest vocalist for Cringe Blizzard.” Katherina was open to the idea, saying “f*cking hell yeah!” before going on to teach some rudimentary lessons. The purpose of O’Brien‘s time onstage with the band was not disclosed, but the hashtags he tweeted indicate that it was taped for the upcoming season of his latest travel show, ‘Conan O’Brien Must Go’.