Tool’s Adam Jones explains why you’re not allowed to film at the band’s concerts: “It’s a big distraction”

Author Samuel Järvinen - 2.5.2022

The prog-metal band Tool has long had a ban on photography at their concerts. Now, in a recent interview with Metal Hammer, guitarist Adam Jones reveals why the ban is still in place.

“I mean, for us, we’ve actually seen it changing and more and more big acts are asking their fans respectfully to enjoy the show, rather than looking at their camera the whole time. I think one of the problems is you get a lot of lights because people don’t know how to use their cameras correctly, which makes it very blinding onstage. It’s just…it’s that connection. You lose something without that connection, and you just want people to be in their own world rather than getting the whole show on their phone and then never looking at it again.

It’s a big distraction. Have you ever been to a concert and you can’t see the show because the person in front of you is holding their phone up in front of the stage? It’s just kind of obnoxious. Just keep your phone in your pocket, enjoy the show and we’ll see you after and you can get back on it! (laughs) People need a break. I feel like [phones have] become an appendage, like part of our anatomy, you know?”