Photo Credit: Laura Iikkanen Place: Vuokatin Aateli

Noora Louhimo to Chaoszine: “Releasing a solo album is a dream come true for me”

Author Annija Raga - 8.6.2021

Noora Louhimo, mostly known as the lead singer of Battle Beast, has formed a solo project and released a debut album called “Eternal Wheel Of Time And Space”. As the singer tells herself, she wanted to gather all her musical influences in one place and write a record that expands her musical horizons. The album combines influences from such artists as Aretha Franklin, Dolly Parton, Janis Joplin as well as Guns N ‘Roses, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Queen and many more.

“I was laughing and crying so many times during the whole writing and recording process. This album is very personal, as it tells all my experiences – heartaches, happiness, sorrow and everything else. “ Noora Louhimo

In the interview Louhimo also talked about the reasons why she decided to form a solo project, her dreams coming true and other musical happenings. Watch the full interview here:

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