“The pandemic did not affect us much” – interview with Darker Tales

Author Benedetta Baldin - 18.1.2024

We had the chance to chat with the members of Darker Tales to delve into the depths of their latest release and to gain insight into their future endeavors. As we navigated through the intricacies of their music, the band offered a glimpse into the creative process behind their recent work and shared their aspirations for the future. Check out what we talked about!

Hello guys! How are you doing at the moment?

Darker Tales: We are doing great at the moment, slowly but steady making new songs and material for gigs. We are also planning the next music video but let’s leave that for the future.

Darker Tales is an amazing band to me, but for the readers that don’t know you, which 3 adjectives would you use to describe it?

Darker Tales: Well 3 adjectives, that’s kind of hard to choose but let’s give it a go. Probably the adjectives would be energetic, versatile, intensive.

I agree! In summer 2023 you have released your first record, “Book One”. Are you satisfied with the feedbacks you’ve gotten from press and from the fans? 

Darker Tales: Oh, the feedbacks were great and helpful all together, it was a perfect combination of positive and negative. Also the negatives were mostly suggestions on how to improve.

Here at Chaoszine we are very interested about the vocals of the bands, so which artists are the inspiration behind Nonni’s vocals?

Darker Tales: There’s many inspirations behind my style of vocals. Few to mention Tenacious D, Rob Zombie, Amon Amarth, Flogging Molly and Avatar.

Excellent choices! I think your songs are perfect to be played in live shows: will we be seeing you in concerts in 2024?

Darker Tales: We really hope that we get the opportunity to join some concerts in 2024 But we are focusing also to have gigs in Finland more.

Speaking of live shows, have you ever dealt with performance anxiety?

Darker Tales: It would be a lie if any of us would say no, but every one of us feels it different way. Some feel excitement and maybe some of us feel tension. But we are happy to perform! 

How has this pandemic affected your work as an artist?

Darker Tales: Actually this pandemic did not affect us that much, only one gig didn’t happen. We were producing and rehearsing our record so we did have our hands full pretty much the whole pandemic, or to be spesific late pandemic.

Oh, that’s cool! Who is the messiest person of Darker Tales?

Darker Tales: That must be Heikki!

I wanted to play a little game with you, if that’s alright. What would you name your boat, if you had one?

Darker Tales: Hmm… that’s an odd question or game to play, but if you ask the vocalist, he says Ghost. But to be honest it would have many, many many nicknames.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview! Would you like to add anything else to our readers?

Darker Tales: Of course, please check us out in Spotify or other platforms and show it to friends and family. And let’s hope we see somewhere there moshing our brains out.