“The new album will be out early next year” – interview with Nachtblut

Author Benedetta Baldin - 28.8.2024

If you like gothic metal raise your hand. If you’ve raised your hand you will definitely enjoy this interview with this talented German band called Nachtblut. If you haven’t raised your hand, you have to check them out anyway because they know how to capture an audience with their skills. A huge thank you to Napalm Records for giving us the possibility to do this interview!

Hello! How are you doing at the moment?

Skoll: I’m doing quite well, actually. I’m a bit stressed at the moment. We just arrived, so everyone is busy settling things, but yeah, quite good. I’m looking forward to today, it’s Wacken, so obviously the legendary Holy Ground for metalheads. Good time ahead, definitely. 

Absolutely, yeah. How does it feel to be part of Wacken? 

Skoll: It’s great to be here. It’s not the first time for us at Wacken. So it’s feeling familiar, but still, you’re excited to be here. It’s a nice mixture of both feelings.

Awesome. I can’t wait for your performance. What do you hope that the audience takes from your performance? 

Skoll: Having a good time. That’s why we’re here, just having a good time, enjoying music, enjoying the music we love, and I think that if you get that from our show, I think we’ve succeeded already. Just having a good time, maybe forgetting about all the things going on in your life, I don’t know, maybe bad stuff, maybe sad stuff, but you’re here to enjoy music, to have a good time. 

Who in the band is the most excited about Wacken?

Skoll: I don’t really know. I think we’re all really excited to be here. Most excited? No, we’re all the same. 

Speaking of live performances, what is the strangest place that you’ve played in? 

Skoll: I really have to think about it. I think there’s a club, I don’t mention any names if you’ve already been there. But they seem to have some kind of sex parties going on from time to time. So the backstage area is like an SM area. You’re on the dining table, with the crosses and chains and everything. It’s sometimes a bit weird, but It is in Europe. I think for the audience, you don’t see it, actually, sometimes. Ah, okay. Just the backstage area, 

Do you have any hobbies outside of music? 

Skoll: Music consumes me a lot of time already. Real hobbies? Not real hobbies. I enjoy reading, watching a good movie, stuff like that. But I think it would be too much to call this a hobby, a hobby of spending money on investing time. Actually, my whole life is about music that’s it. Yeah, it’s like something that Sounds boring, isn’t it? 

No, it’s not boring at all. Music is the most beautiful thing in the world, and you create it that’s something extraordinary. 

Skoll: Put it his way, I made my hobby my profession yeah.

I think that’s the best thing. So you have a tour coming up at the beginning of next year. I was wondering, what are your goals for this tour that’s gonna happen? Do you have any aspirations or goals that you want to achieve with it? 

Skoll: For sure, I think every musician or every artist will tell you this to top the last tour, obviously. And I think we’re on a pretty good way. I’m always excited if the production grows. You have more lights and more show elements. I really like that aspect and gonna work on that so this is my goal, to have a bigger production, have more shows, the last tour was great. We did a lot of show elements but I think, we can always add a few things now. And I hope people will enjoy that as well. 

Yeah, definitely, and improvement means that you care about what you do. As you said, it puts your whole heart and soul into it. I’m sure it’s going to be amazing. 

Skoll: It sounds now okay, it’s just talking about production. The last tour was very successful and great already. And we enjoy the time. So if you have maximum joy, you can’t top that. 

Are you in the process of working on or composing a following for “Vanitas”?

Skoll: It is already done, actually. It’s done, and the album will be out early next year. Oh. And then the tour will follow. 

That’s some absolutely good news for us. We can’t wait to see what you have in store then. I wanted to play a little game with you. The game is called Chaos Time Travel, so I will provide you with some prompts and you have to give me a song related to that prompt. For example which song reminds you or do you want to associate with Woodstock, 1969?

Skoll: Good one. Was it Joe Cocker, maybe? Yeah. I think Joe Cocker is from here. 

How about a song called “The Renaissance“?

Skoll: Something French or Italian probably. Yeah, 

How about a song for Ancient Rome? 

Skoll: Ancient Rome. Soundtrack of Gladiator. 

And if you were at a medieval banquet?

Skoll: If you want to keep it real, keep it true. Von der Vogelweide. Or if you choose any other medieval band. Maybe you just go out now a year and watch some medieval bands. In Extremo. I really like Feuerschwanz

Absolutely. And how about the song for the moon landing?

Skoll: “Dancing In The Moonlight“. 

Benedetta: How about the song for the dinosaurs? 

Skoll: You can obviously say Jurassic Park theme, or I think there was once a cover of a Dutch song by Heidevolk. “Vulgaris Magistralis”, something like this. If you find it on Google, that’s a dinosaur, he’s riding a mammoth. Or Heavysaurus

Awesome. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Is there anything else you want to add to our readers? 

Skoll: I hopefully see some of you at some point somewhere. Enjoy life. Enjoy yourself and stay healthy.