Slipknot performed at Sonic Temple without Clown due to a dental emergency

Author Benedetta Baldin - 22.5.2024

Shawn “Clown” Crahan was absent during Slipknot‘s performance at ‘Sonic Temple Art + Music Festival‘. Corey Taylor announced the reason as to why he was not with them during “Before I Forget“:

First things first, obviously, we are missing one of our brothers. Clown, yesterday, broke a tooth, had to have it removed. There is an issue. He had to stay home for medical reasons, but he insisted that we come here and fucking play this fucking show for each and every goddamn one of you, man. He is missed. He is essential, and goddammit, on the count of three, I want you to fuckin tell him all that he is so fucking loved. I wanna hear you scream! ONE! TWO! THREE!”

It wasn’t unfortunately the first time this happened: last June the band played without him as he stayed home to be with his wife amid her health issues.