Slipknot announce a collaboration with video game publisher Atlus to make new masks

Author Benedetta Baldin - 30.5.2024

Slipknot and video game publisher Atlus have partnered together to create masks in honour of their latest game, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, in one of the oddest collaborations ever. Atlus caught up with Jim Ojala, a mask maker for Slipknot for the previous five years, in a YouTube video. Many of Slipknot‘s previous looks, such as Clown’s metallic mask and Michael “Tortilla Man” Pfaff’s mask in 2019, were made possible thanks in part to Ojala. Ojala takes us through the steps involved in creating one of his masks. The group was entrusted by Atlus with creating masks for Daemon, Gurulu, and Loup-Garou, three of the demons in the game. All of the designs appear like they were created with the squad in mind; they are all quite horrific and would look great on Slipknot masks. From creating the original plaster casts to painting and de-moulding, there are several procedures required. The final goods are really outstanding and deserving of the Slipknot and SMT brands.

Since the 1987 debut of Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei, one of the longest-running role-playing game franchises in history is Shin Megami Tensei. Numerous subseries within the franchise exist, such as the hugely successful Persona games. The franchise maintains a common thread of summoning demons, gaining control of occult creatures, and mythology even if the majority of the editions are unrelated. It makes perfect sense for Slipknot to work on a game like Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. The original SMTV requires players to approach their builds strategically, thus it’s not for the faint of heart. It really is for the die-hard fans, and the character designs go to the brink of metal. On June 14, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance will be released.

Video games have always been a part of Slipknot‘s past. They became playable characters in the well-known MOBA Smite in 2022. In 2020, musician Corey Taylor released a short-lived video game to promote his album “CMFT”. The game allowed you to take on the role of Taylor and dominate a variety of opponents.