In early July, the members of the iconic punk band Sex Pistols sued their former bandmate John Lydon, known as Johnny Rotten, over a disagreement about the Danny Boyle-directed Pistol TV series. In the case, the court ruled in favour of Jones and Cook.
Now Jones and Cook have shared their views on the dispute and Rotten’s claims.
“While John’s contribution is rightly acknowledged, his claims to be the only band member of consequence are hard to take. Steve, Paul and Glen [Matlock] started the band, and it was completed when John joined. All songs on the band’s seminal Never Mind the Bollocks album were written by Paul Cook, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock and [Johnny] Rotten except ‘Holidays in the Sun’ and ‘Bodies,’ which were penned by Cook, Jones, Rotten and [Sid] Vicious. In addition, Pistol is based on Steve Jones’ book Lonely Boy.”