Sadus has parted ways with drummer Jon Allen

Author Benedetta Baldin - 4.12.2024

The departure of co-founding drummer Jon Allen has been announced by Sadus guitarist and singer Darren Travis. Travis discussed the lineup change in a statement released earlier today, December 4th, but no other information was given.

Recently, a lady claiming to be Allen’s partner came forward with allegations of physical abuse, including graphic video and pictures of injuries she allegedly received while receiving dialysis. The accusations came to light just before Sadus and Obituary‘s current international tour. The victim has also taken to social media to share her experiences, and Devin Riche of Anubis has provided support by gathering and disseminating proof of the alleged assault.

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Collins addresses the issue in a long response video that she shared on Facebook. She is seen sobbing and making reference to Allen’s past actions, which include cruelty and chronic substance usage. She claims that he used her chronic condition and the fact that she continues to love him in spite of the abuse she has endured. She says Collins left her to perform with the band, even though he was hospitalized. In the video, she later claimed that the other members of the band knew she was being mistreated but chose not to stop it. Collins claims that because Allen is currently her caretaker, it has been challenging to pursue legal action against him. 

A GoFundMe has been set up to help her with the expenses, and if you wish, you can contribute by clicking here.