Randy Blythe’s upcoming book includes a chapter about his grandmother

Author Benedetta Baldin - 20.8.2024

Frontman of Lamb Of God Randall “Randy” Blythe discussed his upcoming second book, “Just Beyond The Light: Living With The War Inside My Head,” which will be published by Hachette Books on February 18th, 2025, in a recent interview with Radioactive MikeZ, host of the 96.7 KCAL-FM program “Wired In The Empire.” It will be a sequel to his memoir “Dark Days: A Memoir” from 2015, which was centred on his experience being incarcerated in the Czech Republic and his subsequent acquittal.

It’s a completely different book. It’s a collection of — I wouldn’t call ’em essays, but different chapters about, basically different people and experiences who have [changed] my perspective for the better. As I get older, I try not to make the same stupid mistakes again and again and again and again. And surprise, surprise, if you look at people who — you look at them and you think, ‘Man, this person has their life together,’ or, ‘They’ve acted in a manner that I find admirable,’ if you pay attention to them and follow their example, you don’t do stupid things yourself. I’m not saying that I don’t still do stupid things, but I’m trying fully in my old age to learn from others more.

His grandmother was interviewed before passing away.

Yeah, she passed away. There’s a chapter. Well, I didn’t interview her for the book. I interviewed her because she was 94. She lived to be a hundred and a half. And there’s a whole chapter about her. She raised me for part of my childhood and she was raised during the The [Great] Depression. She did not screw around. She was a very real person who lived through a whole lot. But I interviewed her when she was 94, just for the fact that I heard so many stories from her of growing up in a different time. And I was, like, ‘She’s not gonna be here forever. I might as well get all this stuff down,’ just for my own purposes and for my family to have. She was the last of that generation in my family. So when I started to write this book on perspective and people I’ve learned things from, she was a natural choice. Luckily, I had that interview to draw on. So if you have old people in your life — this is what I’m gonna tell you — if you have old people in your life, interview them now… I’m gonna have to do that with my parents soon. I mean, they’re not ancient or anything, but your memory starts failing as you get older. So it’s time to get that stuff before it disappears.

In the publisher’s words, this book is

a riveting and revelatory memoir about self-development and maintaining proper prospective through difficult times.

In his words, instead:

“Just Beyond The Light” is a tight, concise roadmap of how I have attempted to maintain what I believe to be a proper perspective in life, even during difficult times. As long as we keep our feet (and minds) planted firmly on the ground that is reality, the sky isn’t falling — it never has been, and it never will.

Blythe’s writing style, which is a unique blend of art, surfing, and sobriety, is a conversational and conversational style that combines cutting wit and knowing humor to create a stinging balance of hard-edged realism. Blythe uses this style to explain his attitude to life. With great emotion, he writes about his upbringing in the South, lost friendships, lessons learned from traversing the globe as the lead singer of a popular heavy metal band, and the very genuine ways he is trying to make the world a better place. Above all, he gives readers hope that balance—true balance—can be achieved, even—or especially—in the most dire circumstances.

Want to know more about the book? Click here!