Maylene and the Sons of Disaster seem to be plotting a return after more than five years on hiatus.
Even more importantly, this news comes with an update that frontman Dallas Taylor’s health has improved. A 2016 ATV accident left him with severe injuries, including the complete loss of sight in his left eye, blurred vision in his right, lung problems, teeth issues, short-term memory loss and chronic pain. Taylor then later developed thyroid problems, complete lack of energy, increased short and long-term memory loss, disappearance of sex drive, trouble determining whether he’s hungry or full and difficulty regulating body temperature. In June 2021 he underwent double eye surgery intended to help stave off complete blindness resulting from his eyes’ inability to generate moisture.
The news of Maylene’s comeback comes courtesy of director Scott Hansen, who on social media posted a very short clip, which he called a “comeback music video.” The clip shows Taylor, in front of other band members, screaming into a microphone wearing his eye patch, which has become somewhat of a signature.
You can watch the comeback clip below: