Photo Credit: Krista Sainio

Liv Sin: Guitarist Krille Kellerman leaves the band

Author Stefanie Nysand - 4.9.2024

As Liv Sin, the band around Sister Sin frontwoman Liv Jagrell, announces, guitarist Krille Kellerman has left the band:

“Hi Sinners! Some of you may have noticed that Krille hasn’t been as active on here recently. A few months back he decided to take a break from the band to work on some personal issues and several weeks ago Krille made a decision to leave Liv Sin. We would like to thank him for everything he contributed both onstage and behind the scenes in the short time he was with us. All of us in Liv Sin want to wish him well in all future endeavours.” – Liv Sin

The band goes on to say that they will play “the next couple of shows […] as a quartet, with only Jay [Matharu] on guitar”:

“We have been auditioning for a rhythm guitarist and hope to find someone who fits in with the band both musically and personally. Without giving too much away we should be testing out a new guitarist live shortly. All the best. Liv, Per, Danne & Jay.” – Liv Sin