Photo: Sami Hinkkanen

Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe criticizes Elon Musk’s controversial gesture

Author Arto Mäenpää - 24.1.2025

Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has strongly criticized Elon Musk on Instagram Stories following Musk’s controversial gesture at a recent event. Blythe accompanied his post with Napalm Death‘s cover of Dead Kennedys‘ “Nazi Punks Fuck Off.” In his strongly-worded statement, Blythe wrote:

“It’s taken me a couple of days to wrap my head around this one. I’ve tried to consider every angle. Maybe he’s a Nazi? Maybe he’s just trolling? Maybe he’s just so socially awkward he can’t control himself? WHO KNOWS? The motherfucker is weird. But one thing is blatantly obvious-he’s a FUCKING ASSHOLE.”

The vocalist continued, addressing Musk’s reported Asperger’s diagnosis:

“Does Elon Musk have Asperger’s? Oh, I definitely believe so. That doesn’t mean he’s not a COMPLETE ASSHOLE- the two are not mutually exclusive, by the way. For fuck’s sake, he named his son ‘X Æ A-Xii’- who would do that to a child other than a pure and unadulterated thoroughbred PRICK?”

Blythe further noted:

“I know a few people with autism- not a single one of them has ever REMOTELY reminded me of Hitler. Even if it WAS an autism-induced mistake, he refuses to cop to it, and that tells us everything we need to know. Because, you see, that’s what people with correctly calibrated moral compasses do- they admit their mistakes.”

The metal singer concluded his post with a comment about Musk’s potential future role in government:

“Supposedly Musk may become an actual government employee at some point- that means we the people will be paying his salary (not that he needs it.) So as a tax paying citizen of the United States, I have a request for the 47th-President Trump, please put your KETAMINE-FUELED PET ROCKET MONKEY back in his cage so he can do things he’s suited for- obviously appearing in public is not one of them.”

He ended his statement with:

“Oh, and of course: FUCK ALL NAZIS.”