Kimmo Kuusniemi officially launches Ancient Streaming Assembly (ASA) with “Aurora Nuclearis”

Author Päivi Närvänen - 17.9.2024

Visionary artist Kimmo Kuusniemi is proud to officially launch Ancient Streaming Assembly (ASA) with the release of “Aurora Nuclearis,” a powerful 12-minute audiovisual experience. This release represents a significant milestone in ASA’s mission to merge art, music, and environmental advocacy, and marks the beginning of a bold new creative journey for Kuusniemi and his collaborators.

Aurora Nuclearis” serves as a dynamic introduction to ASA’s unique blend of long-form and short-form content, seamlessly integrating music, visuals, and storytelling. The project draws deeply from themes of environmental sustainability and cultural preservation, with this inaugural piece setting the tone for future releases. ASA aims to create an immersive experience for a diverse global audience, offering both profound artistic expression and urgent environmental commentary. Reflecting on the significance of “Aurora Nuclearis”, Kimmo Kuusniemi shares:

“This piece beautifully bridges my musical journey, intertwining my past influences with the new creative direction of ASA. It’s a powerful start for the ASA project, paying homage to where we’ve come from while embracing where we’re headed. We are, after all, the sum of our past experiences, and “Aurora Nuclearis” honours that truth.”

Dedicated to the memory of the late Finnish keyboardist Esa Kotilainen, who passed away in 2023, “Aurora Nuclearis” also pays tribute to a long-standing creative partnership. Kotilainen, known for his pioneering work in progressive music, first collaborated with Kuusniemi in the late 1970s with Sarcofagus—reputed to be Finland’s first heavy metal band. Their shared passion for pushing musical boundaries profoundly influenced the soundscapes of many projects over four decades. Originally conceived years ago, Kotilainen and Kimmo began working on “Aurora Nuclearis” together, with Kotilainen recording keyboards, but the project remained unfinished until now, symbolising both a continuation and a new beginning under ASA. Viivi Kotilainen, Esa’s daughter, reflects on her father’s deep connection to nature:

“Nature was everything to my father. He believed that the natural world was a source of endless inspiration and peace, shaping not only his music but his entire life. He often worried about the future, fearing that the beauty he experienced might not be available to future generations. My father saw nature as his refuge, his creative wellspring, and he passed that love down to us. Even in his later years, he shared moments from his nature walks with us, reminding us of the importance of staying connected to the world around us.”

To complement the full-length experience, ASA is also releasing several short-form videos, each approximately one minute long. These mini-music videos, inspired by ancient environmental proverbs, offer viewers bite-sized yet thought-provoking content that underscores the urgency of today’s environmental crises.

Tuomas Rounakari’s shamanic violin brings an evocative, mystical layer to “Aurora Nuclearis,” enriching the piece with his deep cultural insights. Juho Martikainen’s innovative double bass playing adds a profound depth, complementing the piece’s rich, atmospheric soundscape.

ASA, led by Kimmo Kuusniemi with the support of Sakari Heiskanen and Tuomas Rounakari, is a cross-arts odyssey that fuses ancestral wisdom with modern digital platforms. ASA crafts narratives that resonate with contemporary audiences while drawing from ancient traditions. Through a combination of music, visuals, and storytelling, ASA aims to engage a global audience with its immersive and thought-provoking content.

You can find “Aurora Nuclearis” on Spotify, or check the music video below:

Check Linktree or official website for more information about Ancient Streaming Assembly and the collaborators behind it.