“Heavier Trip – Road To Wacken” to be released on October 17, 2024 in selected cinemas

Author Benedetta Baldin - 7.8.2024

The most dangerous heavy metal band in the world is back – but this time the Finnish rockers from Impaled Rektum are traveling directly to the “Holy Grail of Metal”, the legendary Wacken Open Air in Schleswig-Holstein! “Heavier Trip – Road To Wacken “is the absolute must for all Hard’n Heavy and Wacken fans in general – and for all Heavy Trip fans in particular. Accompany the band Impaled Rektum on a crazy road trip across Northern Europe in the spectacular sequel to the cult comedy Heavy Trip (2018), which catapults them live on the Wacken stage. Heavy Trip – Road To Wacken is crazy fun on the big screen and the movie event for all metalheads and all those who want to become one!

The Finnish cult band Impaled Rektum, also known as “The most dangerous metal band in the world”, is in a difficult situation – or to be more precise: in jail in Norway! It is therefore with a heavy heart that they have to turn down the offer to perform at the world’s biggest open-air metal festival in Wacken. But when the guitarist’s father falls seriously ill and the family’s house and slaughterhouse are on the brink of ruin, it’s time for Impaled Rektum to rise up again: The four guys decide to break out of prison and solve all their financial problems with a gig at W.O.A.. On their road trip to Wacken, the boys meet their idols (the ageing metal band “Bloodmotor”), have to stand up to the diabolical record label boss Fisto (Anatol Taubman) and are pursued by a dangerous prison warden. But the biggest challenge for the band is to stick together in the midst of all this madness …

Heavier Trip – Road To Wacken is a production of the Finnish Making Movies in co-production with Hamburg’s Heimathafen Film and with the support of the Finnnish Film Foundation and MV Filmförderung, among others. The crazy action comedy took the crew 35 days of filming from Finland to Lithuania to Rostock – and of course to Wacken, where the film’s finale was shot during the Wacken Open Air Festival 2023.