Geezer Butler comments on Black Sabbath’s final show: “Me and Ozzy have agreed, but I’m not sure about anybody else”

Author Benedetta Baldin - 30.5.2024

It looks like Ozzy Osbourne isn’t the only one willing to perform a final show for Black Sabbath. Geezer Butler has commented:

Of course there’s an interest [on my part to do it], but there’s a big ‘but’ — you’d have to speak to Bill about it. Everybody wants to do it [but I don’t know if he is] capable [of pulling it off].

The unknown part is if bass player Bill Ward will be able to perform or record again with them.

I don’t think so. Maybe, I don’t know. I mean, the way technical things happen these days, maybe a couple of songs, but who knows? There wouldn’t be any traveling involved. We wouldn’t be actually all in the studio at the same time together. So it could be done that way — maybe.

Butler continues:

Ozzy was hoping to finish it all off next year back in Aston, at the Aston Villa [football stadium in Aston, Birmingham]. I’m definitely up for it, to finish the whole thing off. Me and Ozzy have agreed, but I’m not sure about anybody else. I’d love to do it. I’d absolutely love to do it. I have been in contact with him every day practically. There was a lot of miscommunication [before]. He didn’t think I was asking about his health ’cause I know he’s been going through a lot of health problems, and I was sending all these messages to him and they weren’t being passed on to him. So he thought I was just ignoring him. And then the weird way I had to go through Sabbath’s accountant to tell Ozzy I’d sent him all these things. ‘Cause he did this thing in Rolling Stone saying that I hadn’t been in touch with him about his health. So I went through the accountant, and he got in touch with Ozzy and said, ‘He’s just been sending you stuff. He wants to talk to you.’ And we’ve been fine since that.

It’s a bit more difficult to get in touch with Bill Ward.

He’s not on e-mail and I hate the phone. So, I send e-mails to his wife, who passes it on to Bill.

In any case, he has not lost his touch when it comes to playing.

It’s like part of me daily exercise. I don’t get down to the gym. I just go up to my studio.