Fozzy frontman Chris Jericho says he uses backing tracks with his band: “Everybody does”

Author Samuel Järvinen - 4.4.2022

Chris Jericho, wrestler known as the lead singer of metal band Fozzy, tells WRIF radio station’s “Talkin’ Rock With Meltdown” that he and his band use backing tracks at gigs.

Jericho said the following:

“We use backing tracks for some songs, and everybody does. Unless you’re Guns N’ Roses…Let me rephrase that… If you’re in Slash’s band…Guns N’ Roses has backing tracks. They have a keyboard player. It’s just the way of the world right now. It doesn’t mean we’re not singing and not playing”, Jericho says and continues:

“If you’re listening to a record, you go to a Def Leppard gig and you hear ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ that was recorded with 25 tracks of guitars, you can’t just go with two guitars on stage and in your right mind think there wasn’t something building up the background there. It’s just kind of the way that bands are. It doesn’t make you any less of a band. ‘Cause you know what? Queen used tracks in the ’70s. If you don’t believe me, watch it when they play ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ live.”