On Thursday, 2 March 2022 at the Eclipse venue in Albuquerque, New Mexico, shit hit the fan at a Vein.fm and Momentum show. After an apparent conflict of interests between venue personnel and band members, the breaking point (pun intended) seemed to be when a mic stand was broken during Momentum‘s live set.
Apparently when Vein.fm were approached by venue personnel in the parking lot after the show to pay for the broken mic stand, they refused. The venue personnel, along with rowdy fans that wanted in on the action, started physically coming for the band in the parking lot, and even threatened to pull out a gun, in which Momentum vocalist Jordan Jenkins called their bluff and pulled out a real gun in the heat (pun intended once again) of everything.
The supposed $25 (USD) mic stand was definitely not a good enough reason for such a breakout, according to twitter, with users going so far as to point out how ridiculous the whole event was in the first place, as well as comments such as “I went to a Momentum show and there was no gun pulled nor mic stand broken and I’m honestly disappointed”. Momentum added the cherry on top with a new t-shirt that reads “I went to a Momentum show and all I got was a gun pulled on me”
Check out some personal favorite fan tweets below:
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsFrom I gather vein broke a $25 mic stand, a fight started after being confronted and apparently “beat minors and a woman” and someone from momentum pulled again, but I feel as though the whole story isn’t being told lol pic.twitter.com/p5GByZsJLr— Dani (@danielle_xvx) March 4, 2022
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsPeople sad about a mic stand obviously didn’t go to early Xibalba shows when half the shit on stage ended up in the crowd.. this particular day I tossed the chair , speaker , mic stand snd my beer. I really shouldn’t have thrown my beer.. that was mean. pic.twitter.com/sGAMBVEnyD— NATE (@NateXibalba) March 5, 2022
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsIf every band that fought their fans in the parking lot of the show got cancelled, Poof. That’s basically every 90’s Hardcore band just gone. Lol— Chauncey (@ChaunceyCC) March 5, 2022
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsFor the record I just saw @JordanXJenkins FIX a mic stand.— Taylor Young (@taylorxyoung) March 6, 2022
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsAll this complaining about @vein_fm and momentum is boring Ima just send the venue $26.00 for the mic stand and find lil mans and give him a forehead kiss since he wanna act like a lil baby— 3rd Place Vin Diesel Lookalike (@skinwalkwithme) March 4, 2022
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsMic stand got broke. Kids running the venue confronted Vein after set to pay for it. Vein said no and so kids threatened them with a gun that I guess they didn’t have so the dude from Momentum who assuming this was a real claim pulled his actual conceal— Lee (@leeminorthreat) March 5, 2022
We here at Chaoszine do not condone any sort of violence or violent behavior whatsoever, we simply report current and interesting events to you, the reader.