Fear Factory - Tavastia - Helsinki - 2023

Fear Factory and its new singer, Milo Silvestro, are getting ready to work on their first studio album

Author Benedetta Baldin - 18.6.2024

Dino Cazares, the guitarist for Fear Factory, talked to Primordial Radio during the band’s recent performance at the Download festival in the UK. The band currently consists of Pete Webber on drums, Tony Campos on bass, and Milo Silvestro on vocals. 

At the moment, smooth sailing. And it’s been great. Everybody’s on point. Pete Webber’s on drums. He’s sick. He came from a thrash metal band called Havok. Killer drummer. We call him Pete The Feet. Milo Silvestro — new kid on the block. He came straight from Rome, Italy. He sounds like a young Burton, you know what I mean? [He sounds like Burton did] back in the day. He sounds amazing. He’s probably the most musically talented in the band. And then Tony Campos, my old friend. He’s been with the band since, like, 2015. He comes from a band called Static-X. He’s been my mate for 30-plus years, and it’s always good to play with him, and I’m glad he’s with us. It’s a great place right now. We are trying to avoid any of that drama. And luckily we have for the past year and a half since we came back.

What is in store for Fear Factory then?

We’ve gotta at least put a single out before the end of the year. New record with Milo Silvestro. That’s what we’re gonna do next. New record. And then conquer the world again.

Cazares praised also Silvestro’s lyricism.

Oh, yeah. He’s got some other little projects that he works on and the lyrics are really good. So we’re not gonna have any issues with that. That was one of the main things that a lot of people have been complaining — not complaining, but the Internet type of bitching. It was, like, ‘Okay. Yeah, he could sing great live. He could do all the songs great live. But what’s it gonna be like when he does the record? How’s his lyrics gonna be? How’s this gonna be?’ Relax. It’s all gonna be good. Don’t worry.