Metal, Hardcore, Indie, Rock
In order to start working on new songs for their sixth studio album, Evanescence intends to go into the studio in November. This week, while the diamond-certified alternative metal band was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the annual “Rock In Rio” festival, they were interviewed by “89 FM A Rádio Rock,” with vocalist Amy Lee discussing the band’s future intentions.
We’re in the creative process right now, but we’re not deep in the throes of it yet. We’ve been doing a lot of creating, and we just have, like, tons of ideas. So we’re gonna get serious and get in the studio in November for the first round. Round one. Amy Lee
@aradiorock ENTREVISTA EVANESCENCE NO ROCK IN RIO 40 ANOS 🤘 O festival começou no dia 13 de setembro e vai até o dia 22, com 7 dias de muita música! Quem a gente encontra por aqui? 📸 | @felipeliel #rockinrio #rockinrio40anos #rockinrio2024 #89fm #89fmaradiorock #aradiorock #89aradiorock #festival #musica #rock #vivaorock
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