Eight like cosmic equilibrium: Lynch Mob’s resilience shows off in “Babylon”

Author Benedetta Baldin - 5.11.2023

Lynch Mob, the iconic rock band formed by guitarist George Lynch in 1989, has had its fair share of member changes throughout its illustrious career. Their eighth studio album, “Babylon,” shows their musical prowess while slightly highlighting the challenge of maintaining a consistent band identity.

One of the standout features of “Babylon” is Lynch’s signature guitar work, which continues to shine through. His powerful riffs and solos are evidence of his talent, reminding fans why they’ve been loyal to Lynch Mob over the years. But, as mentioned, the issue of member changes can’t be ignored, and it does affect the album’s overall identity. Fans who have followed Lynch Mob‘s journey may find “Babylon” somewhat lacking in consistency. The changes have brought subtle but noticeable shifts in the band’s sound, making it harder to pinpoint a single, coherent style.

However, amidst these identity struggles, “Babylon” still boasts some genuinely enjoyable moments. “Million Miles Away” is an instant classic, showcasing Lynch‘s sublime guitar work and a brilliant atmosphere, set by Gabriel Colón, the latest vocalist. This track alone is worth the price of admission, harking back to the band’s glory days. “Fire Master” is another standout, filled with adrenaline-pumping riffs and an infectious groove that will leave you craving more.

“Babylon” is a solid addition to Lynch Mob‘s discography, demonstrating that the band can still deliver the goods. It can’t be defined as a groundbreaking release, but it’s a reminder that the group still remains a force to be reckoned with.

In summary, “Babylon” showcases the enduring talent of George Lynch and the remaining members of Lynch Mob, even if multiple lineup changes have somewhat diluted the band’s identity. It’s a record that pays homage to their rock ‘n’ roll roots while hinting at a future that might require a more stable lineup to solidify their identity. Or perhaps, are these continued changes the true essence of Lynch Mob?