Duff McKagan wishes to play “really cool shows” for his new album “Lighthouse”

Author Flavia Andrade - 30.10.2023

Duff McKagan (Guns N’ Roses bass player) has spoken of his touring plans for new solo album “Lighthouse” in a recent interview with Germany’s Rock Antenne.

McKagan said:

I toured on the ‘Tenderness’ record and I had Shooter Jennings and his band. And we went and played about a dozen shows in Europe and about a dozen shows in the U.S. It was in 2019.

I am obviously thinking about what band I want to portray these songs. And what’s the inspiration? There’s two guitar players — I’ve got Tim [Dijulio], who played on the record, who’s amazing. I have to get people that can sing, ’cause there’s so many backing vocals on this record. And I want it to be — if I’m gonna do it live, it’s gotta be stellar. It’s gotta be that record, and it can’t be an approximation. So I would love to go play Europe. I mean, if I can play somewhere in Munich and in Berlin that enough people will come that I can do it. So now we’ve gotta figure that out… I don’t know when — maybe spring or some point I’ll do this. And I’ll probably have some more material when I come tour — ’cause I have so much material.

I put out an EP last spring; I put a song called ‘This Is The Song‘. I put, like a three-song EP, just to start getting songs out. So I would have a lot of songs to play, really. I would have the ‘Tenderness’ record, ‘Lighthouse’ record, my EPs, a lot to choose from, to play live. But I’ve gotta finish this tour I’m on [with GN’R].

We were supposed to be done touring. My record was gonna come out, like, three days after we got done touring, but we extended our tour. So, it’s a little strange having my own record come out and I go out and do a Guns show that night. I mean, it’s great. It’s an embarrassment of riches, as they say. So I will get serious about who I find as a band and whatnot. But I wanna do just some really cool shows. Not a million shows. I do that with Guns N’ Roses; we play a million shows. But I would love to play Munich, Berlin, Rome — play in Poland. Poland was great on ‘Tenderness’. Some place we went in ‘Tenderness’ that was really great I’ll go back to. You know, play Milan, play London, and just do it right. Do it as big as I can, as the crowds allow.

You can watch the original interview below: